Saturday, August 30, 2008

laptop danger!!!

i have read in a magazine few months ago about the danger laptops bring to men..The radiation that is coming when using laptops,affect the quality of sperm since the gadget is placed nearly their genitals. But,there's more to know about it. It was found out in researches,that it could also bring the same effect even when the laptop is turned off..

Better,take the precaution.Dont take the risk!Put those laptop off your laps!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

chosen people

To be included in history is to make one and to change the nation is to have one’s life change first. They say you can consider youth as a History Maker and Nation Changer but do they really deserve to be called such?
Everyone aims for changes especially those would benefit us. A change in character, looks, style, etc. but a challenge question is, are we aiming, dreaming and hoping to change our nation?
A history maker,those where in it correlates to prestige and fame? Are we praying, we could be one?
Nation Changer and History Maker–simple statement but with deep seated meaning. To be one, you need to meet the one who is worthy for that description you know him? Your right, my Friend, He’s Jesus Christ. He changed the nation, from a sinful to a holy one. He did make History; he was the only one I knew who turned the privileges in life He has to experience. He chose to be crucified in the cross of the Calvary, just for the sake for us sinners. And no one of us deserves that kind of act he did.
So if we want to be a Nation changer and History maker, take the cross of Jesus. Be like him. Have a Christ – like character and I’ll assure you, you will be one. Its hard it’s a difficult task to make. But it’s worth the cost. It’s worth the blessings He is pouring us. He its not about what he have done. It’s about what He has done for us and what that means to us. He is not concerned about our Foul Smell and those things we’ve done unpleasing to this sight. All we have to have is a desire – a desire to change and to be changed. He can do it amazingly through his goodness alone. Let us acknowledge our stench & believe that Jesus could work out all those wrinkles and kinks, scars & stains we have. Have obedience and follow Jesus. He makes rules & sets the clock & the time we learn to operate within his parameters and design plan, He can dramatically change us because he is a specialist at turning lives upside down.
Believe and you will be a Nation Changer, History Maker. Don’t give up nore give in along your way because God is always teaching in every journey & it brings more life. God wants you to be back home, to be back in his arms & be passionate & burning on fire to seek his presence and goodness. He did not only call you but chose you to be a Nation Changer, History Maker.Have God’s will; be on your life. He knows all those faith fueled experiences you’ve been through and every mountain top experience you’ve achieved. He knows you and will passionately touch you. And he’ll make your road all lit up and people will see the shining charm of Jesus in you. And someday you’ll meet him at the Eternal Garden on the Paradise, smiling on you, running forward towards you, and dying for the words. He will tell you; my child, I’m proud of you. Your stay on earth was fruitful, you are a Nation Changer, History Maker and indeed your mission was furnishly accomplished.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

FEETish Tips

One of the unnoticed and sometimes neglected body part is our feet.Since it is not seen most of the time,people don't pay much attention to it. So,here are some tips to keep your fee healthy:

1.Choose the right and appropriate footwear for your everyday life. If you'll go for an outdoor activity,you'd probably go for a rubber shoes. Or if you are a "mall goer",flats best suits you.
2.Always go for a well-fitted shoes. Don't try to put your feet in a shoe that doesn't really fit you. Perfect shoes are comfortable shoes.
3.Elevate your feet quite sometimes. By doing his, you give your feet time to relax,relieving the weight it bears all day. It's also a way to avoid varicose veins. So make it a habit to put your feet up whenever you find time.
4.Dry your feet always. A dry fee could also mean a clean feet. Remember,moist places are favorite habitats of bacterias and fungi.
5.Wear clean socks all the time.
6.Find time to flex and extend your feet. if you're working at office wherein most time of the day were spent sitting,stand at least every two hours to stretch your feet to promote better circulation over your lower extremities.
7.Trim nails properly. Keep it square and not pointed. Don't keep hem too short.
8.Make sure your nail cutter/clipper is clean before use. Never use a rusted clipper because rust is a good homeplace for the agent causing tetanus. Don't take the risk!
9. Give your feet a warm soak. Warm water dilates vessels allowing good blood flow circulation.
10. Consult a podiatrist whenever you think something is wrong to your feet.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

She will always be a blessing

She loves me unconditionally. She gives not all the things I want, but everything I need. She's always there to listen at the same time corrects me on the wrong decisions and inappropriate actions I make. She extends a helping hand everytime I need one but sometimes she allows me to do things on my own to realize that It was a mistake. She never changes. She loved me before I was born and that love is still the same at the very moment. Sh's a "lovable" stranger to those who doen't know her yet. Well,she's my MOM.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Destiny VS Choice

Life is so complex. It has many surprising events to tell and offer. I do not know if there's really "destiny" for everybody or what is so called "fate". Or it's merely based on human's decisions and actions. Should we believe that all things were brought about by destiny? Or is it the result of our doings? Could we blame life's destiny for every challenging circumstance were facing? Or is it us who is accountable for all the downfall experiences in our life.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I am me

A book unread,a promise kept,a gift unopened-that's how i see myself. Too many things to be discovered and revealed in the coming days. Knowing someone is hard but searching the real "you" is harder. Curiosity arise and yu cant help but to think and would want to explore over things. But it doesn't end there, you will end up thinking for which is which-A mystery hard to fathom.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Abortion-an at of murder. No matter what insights about abortion tells us, it means "killing" a small,defenseless,innocent life. It is not the last resort to be done in a confusing situation or an ideal solution to an unwanted incident. It is not a way to escape an insurmountable problem. It is tottaly unethical and immoral to kill an unborn child to cover up for the unawareness regarding the possible consequences it may bring. It is cruel to end up life of your own flesh and blood. It is not a way out for people driven out by desperation. It is not humane and should never be taken as an option.